Over the last fortnight, countless news articles have suggested that many homeowners are keen to swap the hustle and bustle of city life and move to the British countryside. Initially, we judged these moves as knee-jerk reactions – at the moment living in a busy city is stressful and limiting.

However, we then looked at the enormous figures of homeowners that are moving from the city to the countryside and thought: “Maybe these moves are not knee-jerk reactions after all?” Perhaps, for many, this year has been the final push to deciding as a family that your lifestyle is more suited to a quieter town or even a village.  Possibly the pros of living in the countryside now seriously outweigh those of living within a city.

The team at Houso gathered together to discuss this clear and obvious sway of homeowners heading towards quieter locations.

Below, we have shared a handful of explanations as to why many homeowners may be making these moves and choosing to move to the countryside.


Personal health and the health of our families are both at the forefront of our minds more than ever. Replacing more polluted city air for fresh countryside air will immediately improve overall health. The air in the countryside is free from fumes and other pollutants caused by factories, machinery and lots of traffic found within a city. Those that live in the countryside do not need to constantly look out for double-decker buses and mopeds whilst walking, jogging or cycling!  Consequently, exercising in the countryside is much more pleasant. Cleanliness, calmness, quietness and nature unquestionably promote physical and mental wellness.

In the countryside, homes will most likely have their own private outdoor space, making it is possible to enjoy outdoor activities every day and even to grow your own organic food!

If country homeowners are not so keen on getting their hands dirty, their local country stores will no doubt supply delicious locally produced food to keep the whole family healthy.


Homeowners can get more for their money in the countryside. Spending more time indoors has made homeowners crave additional room and personal space.  Countryside homes are a lot more spacious and affordable than city homes. Not only that, but you may also be surprised at the size of some of the gardens available within the countryside!

It is very possible to live a much more frugal and simpler life in the countryside. There are much fewer unnecessary temptations! Those in the country spend their time enjoying the beaches, lakes and woods, as opposed to shopping and eating out – a recent UK survey suggested that some young people spend over £2,000 per year on coffee alone while living in the city!


Village communities are safer than cities. In quiet, rural communities, children are safer and happier playing outside, whether that’s on the roads or fields.  Country communities are friendlier and pride themselves on their community spirit. There is something reassuring about being able to walk down the street and get a friendly “Good morning!” or “Beautiful weather!” from those who pass by. Life is at a much slower pace in the city, people communicate with each other, as well as help and look out for one another.


Lots of homeowners move to the countryside when they are planning to start a family. A larger, cheaper home containing extra bedrooms, larger outdoor space, dining rooms, lofts and even cellars give much more space.

Education, however, is possibly the key reason as to why new or upcoming families move to the countryside.  Many schools and colleges in rural communities can offer fantastic educations: smaller classroom sizes and friendlier atmospheres allow students to gain more attention and one-to-one support from their teaching staff.



The fragility of life has been glaringly exposed during the last 6 months. With a viral infectious disease still very much present in communities, being in a city at the moment can be both frightening and stressful. Cities contain a bigger population, and all of these people obtain differed mindsets.  Some individuals have not left their homes since March, but others are completely blasé about the current situation.  Have you been in a situation where another person has just walked straight past you without taking social distancing into account? Urgh! We regard smaller countryside populations to be a key main reason for people choosing to move to the countryside over the next few months.